I work as a special education director, a position that comes with a great deal of responsibility and challenges, but it fuels me. I am also a wife and the mother of two little girls ages 4 and 6 and an 18 year old boy with special needs.
Living minute by minute for so long led to taking care of everything and everyone else except for me! I was always yo-yo dieting and constantly battled with 20-30 lb. A year ago I was at my heaviest and began to think it was the new me. My weight was harming my health, my self esteem, and many aspects of my life.
After seeing two friends commit to a nutritional system that brought them great physical success, I became curious. I asked questions, but ultimately thought, "This is just another one of those things." In the back of my mind I had a nagging feeling that made me wonder if THIS was different. Three months later I decided I was jumping in, what did I have to lose? Well I lost 25 lb in a short amount of time. But it's what I GAINED!! I gained energy! I no longer had to rely on that venti cappuccino. I gained friendships I never knew I needed. I gained financial freedom. Not only did I earn all expense paid trips and the opportunity to travel more in one year than ever before, but I also earned a third income. I have earned enough to pay my mortgage for the year! Now I love to help people feel as good as I feel and show them how they can earn an extra income for their family too.